How to build a Facebook based blood donation platform?

Kazi Zaber
3 min readDec 3, 2023


Recently one of my relative was in hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh and needed blood. While there’s a lot of blood donors in the city, reaching out to them isn’t as efficient as one would hope for.

This made me think, what if we can use Facebook for this. It does have an option for blood donation. How can we make proper use of it to help save lives.


  1. Audience - The system will alert potential blood donors in the region when someone searches for donor.
  2. Donor Type — Regular blood donors / Potential donors.
  3. Legal & Ethical Considerations — What sort of restrictions will we need to work within?
  4. Service Fee — This will be FREE social service! Donor’s transportation will be responsibility of the patient.


  1. Create a platform that leverages Facebook’s reach to increase blood donation rates.
  2. Enhance user engagement.
  3. Community welfare.

User Segment:

  1. Male users aged 16–50
  2. Female users aged 16–45 (not pregnant, not menopaused)
  3. Does not carry genetic diseases

User Journey:

  1. Awareness Stage: Users learn about the blood donation feature through in-app notifications, news feed posts and stories.
  2. Interest Stage: Interested users click on the feature to learn more about blood donation events, benefits and stories from donors and recipients.
  3. Consideration Stage: Users explore nearby blood donation centers, events, and campaigns. They can also read reviews and ratings from other donors.
  4. Action Stage: Users schedule appointments, RSVP for events and share their own donation experiences with their network.
  5. Post-Donation Stage: Donors receive virtual badges, certificates, and thank-you messages. They can share their accomplishment on their profile and news feed.

User Limitations:

  1. Lack of awareness about blood donation events and their significance.
  2. Difficulty finding nearby blood donation centers and events.
  3. Fear of needles, pain or uncertainty about the donation process.
  4. Lack of motivation for first-time donors.
  5. Limited ways to celebrate and share the act of donation.


  1. Event Calendar: A calendar feature listing upcoming blood donation events and campaigns.
  2. Instant Alert: Send mails, notifications on App in case there is a matching demand. WhatsApp/Messenger to communicate about blood requirements. In some cases sms can be used as well.
  3. Geo-Location: Integration with location services to show nearby donation centers on a map.
  4. Outreach: Leverage Facebook groups focused on health/fitness to increase awareness. Facebook stories to broadcast requirement to friends.
  5. Educational Content: Engaging content about the importance of blood donation, debunking myths, and explaining the donation process.
  6. Donor Stories: A platform for donors to share their experiences and stories.
  7. Rewards System: Virtual badges, certificates, and a point-based system to motivate and recognize donors.
  8. Live Q&A Sessions: Live sessions with medical professionals to address users’ concerns about the donation process.
  9. Partnerships: Collaborations with local blood banks and organizations for joint campaigns.
  10. Sponsor: Raise funds for poor people who need blood.

Demand & Supply:

  1. Demand:
    1. Hospitals
    2. Communities
  2. Supply:
    1. Blood donors (quarterly frequency)
    2. Sufficient care-givers for the donation process
  3. Supply Failure:
    1. Not aware of the demand to understand when and to whom I have to give blood (reduces supply or causes over supply for a short period)
    2. Lack of knowledge regarding who to contact to donate blood
    3. What are the do’s & don’ts
    4. Safety of the blood donation process
    5. Expense to reach to donation center
  4. Concerns:
    1. Time limit
    2. Unique blood type
    3. Lack of organized information
    4. Lack of mutual respect


  1. Collaborate with hospitals / communities to notify on their FB pages creating social awareness.

Risks & Tradeoffs:

  1. Balancing user privacy concerns with the need for location-based services.
  2. The effort required to verify and moderate user-generated content like donor stories.
  3. Ensuring medical accuracy in educational content and live Q&A sessions.
  4. Maintain local regulations.
  5. People might abuse it for blood trafficking.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Potential donors get notification when a receiver in need sends a request on platform.

App Platform:

  1. We will use Facebook app development platform.

Relevant Resource:

  1. FB Video:
  2. FB News:

